Eda Göknar

İKSV Alt Kat Manager
İstanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts

Eda Göknar completed her academic studies in Leisure Management in 2008 within the scope of the Erasmus program at Inholland University. Her undergraduate degree is in Art Management, and she graduated from Turkey - İstanbul, Yeditepe University in 2009. She's currently in the stage of writing her thesis for the Arts and Culture Management Master's Program at Yeditepe University. Professionally she focused on learning programs at the museum for 11 years. She was the Head of Learning Programs at Pera Museum. She developed and taught multi-disciplinary content of the Museum Collections and temporary exhibitions. In addition to all these, she developed and implemented physical and online learning programs for kids, youngs, adults, the elderly (Dementia/Alzheimer), school groups and teachers. As of 2019, she is a part-time instructor at Yeditepe University, Arts and Culture Management undergraduate program. In 2022, she started
Yeditepe University Arts and Culture Management Master Program. As of 2022, she is the İKSV Alt Kat: Learning and Interaction Space Manager.


Ihre Keynote auf der Tagung Vermittlung heute. Museumsvermittlung zwischen Inklusion, Partizipation und Teilhabe:

İKSV Alt Kat: Learning Programs

  • Introduction
  • Inclusivity in Art Education
  • Participation and Interactive Learning
  • Sharing Knowledge and Experiences
  • Digital Platforms in Art Education
  • Conclusion

Veranstaltungen mit Eda Göknar

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